If You Are Children of God Lent is about growing in our relationship with God, which helps us understand ourselves and how we relate to others. Special helps are given to us: the rich Lenten scriptures, the penitential practices we embrace, the extra payer opportunities. Lent is a rich time to grow in who we are. Whatever Lenten practices we undertake, it is important to remember their purpose. Lenten practices are nt about losing weight or finally stopping smoking, but they are about deepening our baptismal identity as children of God and members of the Body of Christ. ” If you are children of God”….this is the identity conferred upon us at baptism. This is the identity out of which we enter into our Lenten desert. By remaining faithful to who we are- God’s children- we grow in our relationship with God, self and others. [Living Liturgy 2010] The new life we celebrate at Easter cannot happen without our dying to ourselves, without our going to Jerusalem with Jesus. This is the road we travel this Lent. Music for your reflection