Advent Calendar

Dear Friends,

4thsundayThe season of Advent begins a new Church year. Advent is a time to recall the cry of the early Christians: Maranatha! “Come, Lord Jesus!” It takes us on a spiritual journey to remember the time of desert, the time of darkness, but it also renews our hope in the “Word” that became flesh and now lives among us. Jesus is God’s expression of unconditional love—Emmanuel. In Hebrew the name means “God is with us.”

Pope Francis has designated 2015 as “The Year of Consecrated Life”. He has challenged Religious Sisters, Brothers and Priests to “Wake Up The World!” by their vocational calling.

This special year begins with the 1st Sunday of Advent, and continues until February 2, 2016.

As part of the celebration, The Toledo Area Vocation Ministers wish to continue sharing their Advent Reflection Series. This calendar is the fruit of their reflection.

We invite you into daily prayer with us to walk the journey of darkness into light—to wake up the world! Together, let us reflect on the daily readings from our Liturgical Calendar for Advent and enter into the awareness and extent of God’s love for each of us.


 Nov 30   Dec 1 Dec 2  Dec 3   Dec 4   Dec 5   Dec 6
 Dec 7  Dec 8   Dec 9  Dec 10  Dec 11  Dec 12  Dec 13
 Dec 14   Dec 15  Dec 16  Dec 17  Dec 18  Dec 19  Dec 20
 Dec 21  Dec 22  Dec 23  Dec 24  Dec 25  20131224_114111  20131224_113812