Advent Evening Prayer

The word Advent is derived from the Latin phrase: Adventus Domini, meaning “the coming of the Lord.”  Often, this is understood to refer to the first coming of Jesus.  Rather, Adventus Domini refers to the Coming of the Lord in the past, today, and especially at the end of time.  The season of Advent, therefore, is a season filled with anticipation, not just for the commemoration of the birth of Jesus — the First Coming of the Lord — but also anticipation of current, future and final manifestations.

The Ursuline Sisters invite you to join them for Evening Prayer with Silent Reflection on the Wednesdays of Advent: Dec 1,8,15 and 22, 2010 at 6:30 pm in the Ursuline Sisters Motherhouse chapel  4250 Shields Rd. Canfield OH, to celebrate the “Coming of the Lord” within our lives.

For more information contact Sr Therese Rich 330.792.7636