Angela’s Radical Gospel Vision Ursuline Sisters and Associates from across the continent are converging on Cincinnati July 4-7 for the North American Ursuline Convocation, and we’ll have nearly 20 representatives – comprising Sisters, Associates, Companions in Mission, co-workers and Ursuline Alumni — from our community among them! Every three years, daughters and sons of St. Angela Merici gather to celebrate our Ursuline identity and renew the vision of St. Angela, who founded the Ursuline order in 1535. The theme for this year’s convocation is “Angela’s Radical Gospel Vision: Expanding the Circles.” You may be thinking – what could have been so radical about a 16th century Italian woman? Plenty. She founded a religious order at age 60, said no to the Pope, and led her followers to go out among the people to serve. Seems like the norm now, but it was very different than what was accepted in her day. And now, her followers will gather for education, contemplation and prayer, and rejuvenation. You don’t have to feel left out! We’ll post insights from the event Friday and Saturday, and we’ll bring you the wonderful ideas we experience in blog posts in the days ahead. So, check back often, visit our Facebook and Twitter pages and sign-up for our free eNewsletter if you haven’t already, and we’ll share our experiences, photos and video with you. You also can read more about Saint Angela by visiting this Catholic website on saints, or by reading this story published in the Catholic Exponent about the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown and how Angela has influenced our lives.