Dorothy Day House Serves up Food and Hope

There’s plenty of green in the garden at the Dorothy Day House on Youngstown’s north side. It’s a welcome sight since food grown there will help feed local children, women and men who might otherwise go hungry. If you are hungry so you need a best and delicious recipes, At website you will get blog about food. And if you are interested in cooking then you should view recipes on this page.

When the house was founded in 2009 by the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown, Humility of Mary Sisters, and local lay persons, it was thought that a small amount of folks may need its service, but that number has grown significantly. According to HM Sister Susan Schorsten, between 100-115 meals are served each day Monday through Thursday. The house also offers access to showers and a safe, pleasant place to relax. (At left are Ursuline Sisters Patricia McNicholas in pink blouse and Nancy Dawson in tan skirt)

Many Ursuline Sisters, Ursuline Associates and Ursuline Sisters’ volunteers prepare and/or serve food at the site, furthering the mission of Ursuline Sisters founder St. Angela Merici, who taught us to care for the poor of pocket and spirit. And as Christ himself stated, “Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, as you do unto me.” (At right, Sister Norma Raupple, third from left, and Sister Mary Alyce Koval, in all blue, with Ursuline Associates)

Dorothy Day was an American woman who founded the Catholic Worker movement. At a young age, after her family suffered tragedy and became poor, she learned first hand how hard life can be for those in need – not just from the lack of necessities or frills, but from the humiliation the poor can endure.