Got Talent?

In our Gospel today, a man went away on a journey. He must have been very wealthy, because he entrusted large portions of his money to three of his servants. Before “talent” meant skill, it meant money. It represented the largest unit of accounting in the Greek currency – 10,000 denarii. According to the parable of the workers, a denarius represented a day’s fair wages (Matt. 20:2). Multiply your daily wage by 10,000, and you discover the value of a talent. If you earn $30,000 a year and you annually work 260 days, you make about $115 a day. A talent in your case is valued at 10,000 times $115 or $1,150,000!

The first two servants invested the money during the master’s absence and it yielded great returns. The third servant, however, was fearful of investing (or some scholars say he was lazy). In either case, the servant buried the money he was given and returned the full amount to the master when he came home. The master was pleased with the investments of the first two servants, but was very upset with the third one. To those who have much, much more will be given. To those who have little, even that little will be taken away.

God has given each one of us talents. Sometimes out of laziness or lack of ambition, or sometimes because we are afraid of failure or ridicule, we do not share our talents. The Gospel today challenges us to take a risk and invest our gifts for the greater good of God’s people. While we await the Master’s return, we are to use our blessings well in faithful discipleship and in intimately loving God. We are to make present God’s Kingdom here and now.