Home For The Holidays Shelia Triplett, Director of Transitional Housing at Beatitude House, welcomed six families to the new apartments in Warren, House of Blessing. The new addition at 1370 Tod Ave. includes 6 apartments, a computer/classroom, a children’s playroom and offices for staff. Beatitude House is committed to serving disadvantaged women and children in the Mahoning Valley. By creating homes, providing educational opportunities and fostering healthy families, they provide women with the opportunity to transform their lives. Shelia has been on the staff of Beatitude House since 2007 and most recently she has the responsibility of working with 29 families who are residents at one of three Beatitude House locations. Shelia works with staff in overseeing the multi-faceted program which includes case work, counseling, parenting, budgeting, and studying. Shelia brings such a positive but firm support to the women as they strive to build better lives. Her sense of humor and warm presence is just what the mothers need. Shelia says “Working at Beatitude House is the most fulfilling professional experience I’ve ever had. I am blessed to work in a place that gives women and children roots and wings: roots that provide safe housing and a positive environment and wings to reach higher than they ever dreamed possible, creating a better life for themselves and their children” In addition to serving on the staff with four Ursuline Sisters, the Ursuline Community is privileged to have Shelia’s presence among them as an Ursuline Associate. She is so positive and open and affirming. As an Associate she participates in community gatherings throughout the year and joins with all Sisters and Associates for special days and events.