Living your best Lent By Sister Therese Ann Rich We’re now in the great season of Lent, six weeks preparing to celebrate the high point of our faith: the Paschal Mystery, the suffering, death and resurrection of the Incarnate God.Formerly, it was a time of severe penance to purify ourselves from sinful habits to celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ with a renewed commitment to follow him.But our reflections shouldn’t only focus on the negative. Over the coming weeks, we should ask ourselves: What positive things should be part of my life?How do I treat family, friends, colleagues & strangers?Am I active enough in my Christian community?What difference do I make to other people’s lives?How do I help eradicate abuses in our society? Some things we can do are: Celebrate the Eucharist daily as often as possible.Set aside time daily day for personal prayer.Reflect on Scripture daily, alone or with others.Set aside money we might spend on wants to help the needs of the less fortunate.Remember that real penance is to live life well. Be the mercy and peace of God for others.