Servant Leadership

 Today’s readings confront those who would lord over people and make demands of them in the name of God, while not trying to practice what they preach. All Christian leaders whether clergy or lay are called to live what they preach, not looking for honor, but rather to mirror Christ who made himself the servant of all.


True change in individuals and society never comes from above. Change comes from within each of us and from the grass roots experiences of a society. Sharing the plight of those who are on the margins of society is necessary for good Christian leadership and to have the perspective of the Lord who made himself the servant of all.


Pope Francis has invited the Church over and over to show true solidarity with the poor and take on their perspective before preaching and teaching. Each Christian leader is called to take on this perspective, listening to the cry of the poor and oppressed before speaking. Today’s readings are a challenge to us all to learn to lead by serving.