Intern – Volunteer Program

Christina PenzaThe Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown are accepting applications for their Ministry Volunteer Program, geared toward college students 18 years or older with an hour or more a week to spare and a desire to make a difference in our community.
Applicants should contact Sister Norma Raupple at 330-792-7636 or [email protected]. Sites to volunteer include: Beatitude House/House of Blessing, Casa Madre, HIV/AIDS Clinic, Habitat for Humanity, Potters’ Wheel/Hispanic Outreach, SCOPE of Lordstown, Parkside Health Care Center, Motherhouse Health Care, Ursuline Preschool and Kindergarten.Together We Can 2013
Applicants can apply here  on line or download application  intern_volunteer_application 2013 and return to Sister Norma Raupple