World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Is God Calling You?

Today, Good Shepherd Sunday, is a special celebration of our Christian vocation. The world–wide Church unites in prayer on this World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The Good Shepherd calls us and guides us on our Christian journey. By our baptism we are all called, chosen, and sent to carry on the mission of Jesus.

In 1963 Pope Paul VI designated Good Shepherd Sunday as World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, protects us as his flock and promises us the gift of eternal life. As followers of Jesus we are called to remain faithful to the grace of God.

As we celebrate this feast we pray for fidelity to our vocation. The Church invites us to honor the vocation of all Christians given at baptism. May we who have dedicated our lives to God through the vocation of marriage, priesthood, the diaconate, consecrated life, and the single life remain faithful to our commitments.

May those who are discerning their life vocation listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd to guide them.

One of the things that Catholics believe is that God calls everyone to some vocation, some specific way of living out holiness. It could be as a married person, a single person, a priest or vowed religious (a nun).

So the answer to the question is that God IS calling you. The next question one needs to answer is this: to what way of life is God calling you. Do you think God might be directing you to think about becoming a nun?

if you have

  • a burning passion for Gospel service, especially with the poor
  • an ability to take initiative and generate change
  • a spirit of flexible adaptation
  • a concern for families

Then, The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown are who you want to meet.

The Ursulines promise a prayerful, supportive community, centered in Christ, Scripture and Eucharist. We are willing to share our lives and our values with women who are interested in permanent, vowed community life or perhaps temporary commitment.

Come and See

For more information: call Sister Mary McCormick: 330.301.6891 or Email [email protected]