New Ministry for Sister Nancy Dawson Sister Mary McCormick, general superior of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown, has appointed Sister Nancy Dawson as Executive Director of The Ursuline Center. Sister Nancy most recently served as General Superior of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown for six years. She is also a part-time instructor of World Religions at Youngstown State University. “We are delighted to have Sister Nancy return as Executive Director of the Ursuline Center,” states Sister Mary. “Her experience and enthusiasm will enhance the many ministries and services of the Center. The Ursuline Center provides an opportunity for networking among various groups for the common good.” “I welcome the opportunity to continue the mission and ministries of Ursuline founder St. Angela Merici, who responded to the needs of her times,” Sister Nancy says. “She was always a beacon of hope, hospitality, and inclusivity. Sister Nancy will be assisted by 12 other Ursuline Sisters who serve in various capacities at the Center, along with lay people and Ursuline Associates. Many ministries are offered at or through The Ursuline Center, such SilverSneakers®, Motherhouse Pool Ministry, adult enrichment classes, a labyrinth, Prison Ministry, pastoral and bereavement counseling, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Sister Jerome’s Poor, spiritual direction and retreats, The Ursuline Center Book Club and The Ursuline Center Spiritual Book Club. Also offered at the site are Walsh University Accelerated Program and Pymatuning Rehab Speech and Hearing Services. “Our Center Auditorium is available to use for reasonable donations,” Sister Nancy adds. “We welcome people to call us for such family-oriented gatherings as Baptism, First Communion and graduation parties, showers, and birthdays. The Center offers a fully equipped kitchen, classrooms, retreat bedroom space, and a beautiful chapel.”
New Leaders at UPSK From left are Mary Ann Critell, Sister Mary Alyce Koval, and Sister Mary McCormick The Ursuline Preschool and Kindergarten will begin its 51st year of educating children with new leadership at the helm. Mary Ann Critell has been named Principal and Director. Mary Ann has worked at the school for 18 years, most recently as a kindergarten teacher and assistant principal. She also is an Ursuline Associate. Ursuline Sister of Youngstown Mary Alyce Koval, Site Director for Beatitude House’s A House of Blessing Youngstown, has been named Minister of Ursuline Mission for UPSK. Sister Mary McCormick, general superior of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown, says, “For 50 years, the Ursuline Sisters have provided the best in preschool education. With Mrs. Critell as Principal and Director and Sister Mary Alyce in the new position at Ursuline Preschool and Kindergarten, we look forward to continuing that superb educational tradition and keeping the mission of the Ursuline Sisters strong for our children and families.” “Ursuline Preschool and Kindergarten is rooted in the tradition of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown’s ministry to joyfully educate children in faith, wisdom and understanding,” states Mrs. Critell. “It is here on this holy ground that we form a community nurtured by the children, their families, supportive staff and the presence of Ursuline Sisters. We continue to keep the words of St. Angela’s last legacy alive, ‘to persevere faithfully and joyfully in the work you have begun.’” In addition to her administrative duties, Mrs. Critell will be active in educational programs, teaching special religion lessons and educational songs, and assisting with music programs during the year. “I look forward to occasionally teaching special religion lessons throughout the year, and telling stories to the various ages. The children energize me!” Mrs. Critell adds. “My education experience has come full circle,” Sister Mary Alyce says. “In my life as an Ursuline Sister of Youngstown, I spent 42 years in elementary school teaching and administration. The last five years have been helping women at Beatitude House pursue post-secondary education. Now I’m going back to where it all starts — preschool.” There are limited spots still available for fall enrollment at the preschool and kindergarten, Mrs. Critell notes. A new program accepting families this year, she continues, will be Time for Two for two- to three year olds. “It’s for students not ready for preschool,” she explains. “The child attends a once a week for an hour session with an adult to share stories, an art activity and snack for a nominal fee.” Learn more about UPSK by calling 330-792-4150 or visiting its website: