O, Christmas Trees!

The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown tree
The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown tree

We’re again honored to participate in Mill Creek Metroparks’ annual festival of Christmas trees at the Davis Center.

From Dec. 1-31, 50 trees decorated by area nonprofits and not-for-profits, are on display.

The park also hosts Winter Nights at Fellows Riverside Gardens the Saturdays of Dec. 3, 10, 17 and 31 from 5 – 7 p.m.

The grounds are decorated with dazzling lights, and the Davis Center will be open to view the trees and enjoy other offerings.

The Ursuline Sisters Mission tree
The Ursuline Sisters Mission tree

Take a selfie with the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown Tree, located in the rotunda, and/or the Ursuline Sisters Mission tree in the Melnick Museum, and DM us on Instagram. We’ll share it on our story!

Many thanks to our volunteers India and Sabrina, who’ve helped us decorate the trees the last few years!

Advent begins today!

Lord, during this Advent season, increase your peace in our hearts and allow your promise of rest and refreshment to lighten the labors and burdens in our busy lives.

Teach us how to practice silence, solitude and simple living, and how to slow our pace, so we can hear the silence of Christmas around us.

Let us empty our hearts of material wants to make room for the real meaning of the birth of the Christ Child. And when we are weary and anxious, may we always find rest in you.


Listening to Christmas

By Alan Harris

Have you ever heard snow?

Christmas at the Motherhouse

Not the howling wind of a blizzard, not the crackling of snow underfoot, but the actual falling of snow?

Have you ever heard Christmas? Not the traffic noises in the city, not the bells and hymns and carols, beautiful as they are, not even the laughter of your children as they open their presents — but Christmas itself?

Have you been by yourself and just sat and listened to the silence within, patiently, without letting the mind race to the next Christmas chore?

Perhaps if you have, you felt the pulse of all humanity beating in your own heart.
Perhaps you noticed an outflowing of love for all your brothers and sisters on the earth, a soft sense of Oneness with all that lives.

In the silence of a snowy night, listen intently, holding your breath, and you may hear snow on snow.
Serene, alone, undisturbed by thought, listen to the silence in your heart, and you may hear Christmas.


Christmas 2016

Come Christmas!

No one is ever really ready for Christmas.

Nativity2011If we were really all prepared:
If every gift we had contemplated had been obtained;
If every present was beautifully beribboned;
If all the goodies our friends deserve were baked and cooled, and stored just so;
If each and every person we love was gathered for our celebration;
If we never snapped at someone we care about, nor stopped short of being all that we could be;
If our minds were 100 per cent loving and our hearts were 100 per cent generous;
They truly would be ready
—and truly we would not need Christmas quite so much.

So come, Christmas, most needed of seasons.

Come with the reminder that love does not depend on
Perfection but on willingness to risk connection.

Come into the unready manger of our hearts
That we may feel the warmth of new life
And give flesh to the promise of hope
That cries to bring healing into our world.

Come Christmas!
Come, Love,
Come, Hope.
Be born in our unready hearts
On this silent and holy night.

[M. Maureen Killoran]


An Advent Reflection

This 5 minute advent meditation focuses on the coming of Christ into our world- not just as a child in a stable but as the bringer of justice and freedom. Music for the meditation features Kyrie – I Call to You from the CD, Standing Still by Jeff Johnson (www.arkmusic.com). Used with permission. All Rights Reserved.


Christmas at the Motherhouse

Nativity scene at Ursuline Motherhouse Chapel

Each year the Ursuline Sisters look forward to the celebration of Christmas.  It’s the lights, it’s the other decorations, it’s the music of Advent and Christmas.  But most of all, it is remembering God’s Word spoken in our midst, it is the fulfillment of God’s promise to be one with us.

As we move from Advent to Christmas, know that the Ursulines pray for you and your loved ones in a special way during this season.  If you are in the neighborhood, drop by to see our chapel.  It is always a place of quiet and peace, and even more so at Christmas.

Mass on Christmas Day is at 10:00 a.m.  Fr. Richard Brobst will preside.

Mass on New Year’s Day is also at 10:00 a.m.   Fr. Joe Yelenc, TOR, from Franciscan University, Steubenville, will be with us to preside.