Good Friday- Above All

They thought it was all over. Jesus’ disciples had followed him faithfully. They had given up everything and devoted their lives to His cause. They were expecting a revolution, the in-breaking of God’s Kingdom! What they got was a cross. What they got was the end of their dream. It didn’t matter who would be first and who would be last in the Kingdom now. Even Peter, the most passionate of Jesus’ followers, the one who had walked on water, denied that he ever knew Jesus.

The book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus was able to endure the cross because of the joy set before Him. He knew that on the other side of that excruciating pain and humiliation, death would be defeated. The Kingdom of God would break through. It wouldn’t look like an earthly kingdom. It would be far, far better. On Friday, the disciples didn’t see what Jesus saw. They didn’t know that Sunday was coming. What a glorious surprise awaited them…

On this Good Friday, remember the hope and expectations we have, knowing that it may only be Friday, but Sunday is coming! Have a great Easter!