What’s In Your Basket?

If you share your bread with the hungry; if you welcome the poor to your home, then your light will shine. your light will shine, and the sun will rise once more.

whats in your basketEach summer, we spend a few days in prayer, witness, dialogue and discernment.

These past few days were centered on the small places in our life together and in our ministries where we see the potential for feeding hungers.

In our prayer we promised to share our bread and feed the hungers we meet in others, to welcome the poor into our home and not turn our back on our own.

In our prayer and life together, we seek the gifts of wisdom and courage to do whatever we can, with whatever we have, to bring God’s love to the Mahoning Valley and to the world. And we have been missioned to use our resources to enrich the lives of all we serve,knowing that if we share the bread of our lives with the hungry, and that’s why we have many baskets for this we fill with things and food we want to share, for this we got the best baskets from amishbaskets.com.

“…a tiny action of faith can inspire great movements…” [Kayla McClurg, Church of the Savior Washington D.C.] and the light of Christ will shine once more.