Salt and Light


The path to leadership is a hard one. True leaders are committed to a goal or a cause. They are also willing to sacrifice time, talent, and treasure for their passion. They gather as many followers by their example as by their ideals. In fact, many measure leaders’ goals and passion by their example. Do they merely talk? Or are they willing to walk the path?

In one sense, a follower becomes a leader the moment he or she makes a commitment beyond the norm. At that point, the easy way becomes difficult. In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus honored his followers who took the hard way, those who lived out the Beatitudes. Those who sacrificed for the Kingdom would be the salt of the earth and light to the world.

In 5:13, the salt referred to the leveling agent for paddies made from animal manure, the fuel for outdoor ovens used in the time of Jesus. Young family members would form paddies with animal dung, mix in salt from a salt block into the paddies, and let the paddies dry in the sun. When the fuel paddies were light in an oven, the mixed-in salt would help the paddies burn longer, with a more even heat. When the family spent the salt block, they would throw it out onto the road to harden a muddy surface.

Jesus saw his followers as leveling agents in an impure world. Their example would keep the fire of faith alive even under stress. Their example would spread faith to those mired in the cultural “dung.” But if their example rang empty, they were worthless; they would be dug into the mud under the heels of critics. [5:13]

Jesus also saw his followers as the light of a fire to the world. Placing a light fire under a basket would put the fire out. No, like a city high on a hill, the fire should be placed for all to see. So, one cannot hide faith by inaction. One must show faith in action for all to see, so those seeing the witness can be brought to faith and praise God. [5:14-16].

In essence, Jesus told his followers they cannot have it both ways. One cannot believe as a Christian, yet act as if faith did not matter. Faith leads to action and the action points to the Kingdom.

We followers of Christ become leaders when we try to answer one question. What difference has Christ made in our lives? But in a world of multiple voices and a myriad of distractions, getting the attention of our intended audience is difficult. How do we get that attention? The risk of example. To do something beyond the norm. Something that points to Christ. This is a hard, difficult road to travel for it entails doing the different, doing the unusual. It means putting our reputation on the line. But the reward is the glory of God. That is a goal worth the risk.

Adapted Renew International Prayer Time Cycle A

You Are the Light of the World

When the well known humorist Erma Bombeck took a university writing course as a young student, one of her assignments was returned to her with a simple but powerful note, ‘You can write!” That comment launched her successful writing career. How often our latent talents are unleashed because of the encouragement of someone else who sees in us what we do not recognize!

In the gospel today, Jesus uses the examples of salt and light to help us understand who we are.  We are salt-we enhance others. We are light-we shine for others. Yet, who we are as disciples only finds its deepest meaning in our relationship with God and others. Just as salt and light are no good in and of themselves, so the good that we do is measured in our relationships with others. Our discipleship is for the sake of others.