Outstanding Community Partner

Ray , Anne and Michele

For the last three years, The Ursuline Sisters have partnered with Kent State University’s Experiential Learning program thanks to Ann Gosky, Senior Special Assistant, Office of Experiential Education and Civic Engagement, and Amanda Paulus.

This year The Ursuline Sisters were recognized as an outstanding Community Partner! This award recognizes the efforts of Kent State University campus and The Ursuline Sisters who engaged students in meaningful out-of-the classroom learning experiences

Community Partner Award
Amanda. Austin, Shakshi, Brandi and Olivia

The students who have partnered with The Ursuline Sisters  were thoughtful, inquisitive, respectful, hard-working, energetic and bright. They interacted with the populations we serve – impoverished, immigrant, ill, old, young – with a kindness of spirit and a depth of soul seldom seen in students so young.  How fortunate and blessed we are working with these students and  with Ann and Amanda!

Kent State Students Spending Spring Break with Ursuline Sisters

ksuasbWe are greatly impressed with the dozen young people visiting with us from Kent State University (Sister Norma Raupple is far left, and Sister Therese Ann Rich is far right). They’re taking part in our new ministry – Alternative Spring Breaks – which give the college students a chance to volunteer in our various ministries, and us a chance to benefit from the perspectives of their generation.
ksuasbcThe students worked around the Motherhouse grounds today, helping us catch up on some housekeeping, before heading to the Dorothy Day House. There they’re performing a service project and preparing and serving a meal to the guests who’ll visit there tonight.

ksuasbaOn their second day they’ll share experiences with our Potter’s Wheel, Beatitude House, HIV/AIDS , Sister Jerome’s Poor, Ursuline Preschool & Kindergarten ministries, as well as People Fighting Famine and learning about the plight of the homeless. On Wednesday, they’ll volunteer with Habitat for Humanity helping a family build their home in Youngstown.

The Alternative Spring Breaks are a wonderful opportunity for the students to broaden their perspectives of the world, experiencing diverse cultures and socioeconomic conditions they may otherwise never be exposed to. Their presence enriches the ministries they volunteer at, and we are grateful for their presence.
Check back to our Social Media sites and this site for updates.