The Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand

Nets corral, confine, capture. Fish are corralled by the nets of fishermen. Hair is confined by the nets worn by cooks. Butterflies are captured by the nets of lepidopterists. In all these cases nets bind. Jesus called the first disciples to leave their nets, to cut the ties binding them to their present way of life. Instead of restricting them, Jesus released them to enter into a new way of looking at themselves, a new way of living, and a new way of ministering.

When John is arrested, Jesus moves to a new place and begins his ministry. When Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James and John, they drop their nets to follow him. Discipleship is prompted by circumstances around us and persons who enter our lives. Discipleship requires the insight that these circumstances and these persons are calling us to make a move in our life – to go to new places and to take up the new work for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
We spend our whole life trying to see the great Light that is the Savior of the world. We spend our whole life encountering Jesus, hearing his call and working to be faithful in continuing his ministry.
We practice following Jesus in the simple practical ways, the everyday things of life: the friend who needs a listening ear; the elderly parent who needs a comforting phone call; the sick child who interrupts our sleep. Jesus invites us to turn from ourselves to those in need.
In all of this we move from darkness into a great light. In all of this we are freed to follow Jesus as faithful disciples.

Adapted from Renew Internatiomal Prayer Time Cyle A