150 Years of Blessings We are celebrating the golden jubilees of Sisters Mary Alyce Koval, Nancy Pawlen and Diane Toth, during Mass at 3 p.m. Sunday at St. Charles Borromeo Church. Marking 50 years as an Ursuline Sister of Youngstown is Sister Mary Alyce Koval. She’s the education director for Beatitude House, Youngstown and volunteers with other nonprofits in the greater community. She has ministered in school administration and education, with our leadership team. “After entering the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown following graduation, it didn’t take long to realize that there were more doors to new adventures in my life than I could ever imagine,” Sister Mary Alyce comments. “My heart is filled with gratitude.” A graduate of Ursuline High School, Youngstown, Sister Mary Alyce earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from Youngstown State University, a Master of Science in Educational Administration from the University of Dayton and a Master of Arts in Ministry from Ursuline College, Cleveland. She also holds several professional certifications. Sister Nancy Pawlen celebrates her 50th anniversary as an Ursuline Sister of Youngstown this weekend. She is an assistant director of The Ursuline Center, is active with our Young Adult Outreach program, serves as a Homebound Minister for St. Rose Parish, Girard, and volunteers with other nonprofits in the greater community. She has ministered in school administration and education, and was the director of Omni-West Assisted Living in Youngstown from 1989 to 1991. “In spending my life for others, God has given me abundant life in the here and now,” Sister Nancy observes. “What a wonderful foretaste of that which is to come.” An Ursuline High School alumna, Sister Nancy earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Youngstown State University, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from the University of Dayton, and a Master of Education in Early Childhood Education from Kent State University. She holds several professional certifications. Sister Diane Toth is one of three Sisters celebrating her Golden Jubilee as an Ursuline Sister of Youngstown Aug. 7 with Mass and a special dinner. Sister Diane is a social worker, ministering at the Windsor House facilities of Parkside Health Care Center in Columbiana and St. Mary’s Alzheimer’s Center in Salem. Before becoming a social worker, Sister Diane ministered as an educator in several diocesan schools and has volunteered with other nonprofits in the greater community. “I am in awe of the many well wishes and prayers,” Sister Diane says. “I am aware of others who have made commitments to raise children or remain faithful to their spouse. I am inspired by people who have strong determination to spread the Word of God by action or example. I am experiencing a deeper appreciation of God’s loving presence in all these moments.” Sister Diane is a graduate of Poland Seminary High School. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from Youngstown State University and a Master of Social Work from the University of Pittsburgh. She holds professional certifications in her fields of study.