Ursuline Education & Wellness Center The Ursuline Education & Wellness Center The Ursuline Center formally provides an array of services and programs supporting the needs of people of all ages. In the spirit of our founder, St. Angela Merici, it is a place of welcome and conversation, a space where all can enrich their lives through learning, exercising, celebrating, praying and sharing in a dynamic community. Our programming allows individuals to connect the mind, body and spirit through self-reflection and mindfulness, as well as through community and peer interaction. The Ursuline Education & Wellness Center provides educational, wellness, and spiritual opportunities to the community. We provide counseling and book clubs. Land, yoga stretch, and aquatic exercise classes are offered, as well as free guided labyrinth walks. We offer a number of spirituality enrichment programs throughout the year. Pre-Register for Classes Here loading... Powered by Pretty Google Calendar