2023 Guided labyrinth walks

The Ursuline Education & Wellness Center, 4280 Shields Rd., soon begins its 13th year of guided labyrinth walks. While the labyrinth is open year-round, themed and guided labyrinth walks are offered by trained facilitators during the warm-weather season.

Each walk is led by a different facilitator, either an Ursuline Sister or Associate, with the meditation centering on a related theme.

This year’s overarching theme is compassion, a virtue central to the programs of Ursuline Sisters Mission.

All persons of faith are invited to participate in these free, weather-permitting events. Walks generally take 20 minutes to ½ hour.

This year’s schedule is:
Sun., May 21, 2 p.m. : Compassion as a Way of Life
Thurs., June 15, 6:30 p.m.: Compassion for One's Self
Thurs., July 20, 6:30 p.m.: Compassion for God's Creation
Thurs., Aug. 17, 6:30 p.m.: Compassion for Family
Thurs., Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m.: Compassion for the Marginalized
Sun., Oct. 15, 2 p.m.: Compassion for the Journey

The labyrinth is open dawn to dusk for all persons of faith. There’s no cost to use the labyrinth, which is accessible for different physical abilities and offers ample parking.

Printed guides are provided at the Labyrinth’s entrance giving suggestions for following the path, but there is no right or wrong way to experience the sacred walk.

For more information on our labyrinth, visit our YouTube Channel (includes a virtual walk) or visit ursulinewellness.org.

Here's a paper labyrinth you can print and follow with your finger. Our labyrinth is modeled after this famous one.