AmeriCorps Member Service Openings Education Specialist: AmeriCorps Member Position Service Term: Full-time, half-year position. Health benefits and housing available. Upon completion of required service hours there is an AmeriCorps Education Award. Applicants must be 21 years or older. Position Description: The Education Specialist will apply her/his existing skills set to the job while gaining valuable on-the-job experience. The Education Specialist will be responsible for developing and implementing curriculum for immigrant families in English Language Learning and other basic skills instruction, mentoring the children and creating opportunities for social development with mothers and children, as well as tutoring children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, and those living in poverty. Position could also include engaging with staff, clients and volunteers at other nonprofit sites/ministries administered by the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown. Candidates are encouraged to apply their education, energy and vision to make a difference in our ministries and the lives of people served by them. Candidate Description: Candidates should hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and desire to devote six months of their life to service at Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown ministry sites in the Youngstown area. Applicants must present at least three excellent references, take initiative, be dependable, be licensed drivers with reliable transportation, and should demonstrate leadership qualities. Job Start/End Date: January-July 2019. Position Compensation Package: Full-year participants receive a twice-monthly stipend that totals $13,700 a year for 1,700 hours of service at nonprofit sites through The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown. At the end of the full-year service term, participant will receive a $5,800 AmeriCorps Education Award toward future education or to pay off student loans (find more info here). Half-year participants TBA. Loan forebearance with interest accrual. Health benefits/housing available. Travel expenses to attend mandatory AmeriCorps meetings will be funded. Additionally, candidates will be welcome at Ursuline Sisters’ events and will be offered non-mandatory opportunities for sharing in prayer and community life of the Ursuline Sisters. Application Instructions: Interested parties should contact the director as soon as possible. Applicants must pass a federal background check. Positions will be filled at director’s discretion. Contact: Sister Norma Raupple, Dir. of Outreach, 330-792-7636, 330-261-4729, [email protected]; 4250 Shields Rd., Canfield, Ohio 44406;