Delivering Meals on Wheels Sister Diane, left, and Sister Bridget Even before the pandemic hit, millions of older adults in the U.S. faced a problem: hunger. Not only do they live on fixed incomes or in poverty, they often lack the ability to grocery shop and cook. That’s why the Meals on Wheels program is important. Two of our Sisters, Diane Toth and Bridget Nolan, minister with the program locally and say it enriches the lives of the volunteers and recipients. Our Sisters deliver hot and cold meals once weekly. Other volunteers deliver on other days. With current safety protocols, our Sisters call folks on their route instead of visiting when they drop off the food. “I like to offer them a cheerful greeting and chat a little bit,” Sister Diane comments. Sister Diane began volunteering with the ministry when she retired a year ago. She had long ministered as a social worker for Windsor House. Since she’s from Struthers, Sister Diane was given a route in her hometown and Lowellville. She also works with our Prison Ministry. Sister Bridget started ministering with Meals on Wheels about six years ago. She drives her Canfield route from May to October. “People’s living situations change, so the route changes,” she says. “When I first started I had five or six homes I visited, but I’ve had up to 10.” In addition to her ministry with Meals on Wheels, Sister Bridget is our archivist, curating our historical artifacts and documents. She also drives Sisters to their doctor appointments and shops for the Motherhouse.