Prayer & Comfort Amidst Covid-19 Since this health crisis began, we Ursuline Sisters have endeavored to do what we’ve committed our lives to doing — being a witness to God’s love through ministry to those in need. Through our websites, our social media pages and eNewsletters, as well as personal outreach through phone calls and emails, we have offered several messages to inspire hope, comfort fears and offer prayer. Here a links to some of the material we’ve offered. We hope that you and your family are safe during the pandemic, that you have the supplies you need while sheltering at home, that those in your family on the front-lines have the supplies they need for protection, and that you all remember we are praying for you — not only during this pandemic but always. Sister Darla Vogelsang’s message for “Hanging Tough” in tough times. A prayer to the Blessed Mother offered by Pope Francis. Father Michael Graham’s Prayer for Uncertain Times. A Meditation for the Anxious from Eric Clayton. Popular prayerful and inspirational memes from our social media pages.