Sister Nancy Dawson Sister Nancy Dawson , formerly known as Sister Anne Francis, is the daughter of the late Frances and Hannah Curley Dawson. She entered the Ursulines from Immaculate Conception Parish after graduating from Ursuline High School and beginning studies at Youngstown State University. She earned a B.S. in Ed. from Youngstown State University, an M.A. in Communications from the University of Notre Dame and an M.A. in Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America. Her ministries have included St. Charles (teacher & principal), Cardinal Mooney and Ursuline high schools, the Communication Department of the Diocese of Youngstown, St. Paul, New Middletown and the Ursuline Center. Currently she is an adjunct instructor of World Religions at Youngstown State University in addition to serving her third term as General Superior of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown.
Sister Mary Lee Nalley’s Contribution to “The Immaculate” Sister Mary Lee Nalley has served Immaculate Conception Parish since 1972. She started teaching in the grade school and eventually became the pastoral minister. As pastoral minister, Sister Mary Lee coordinates the schedules for Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and servers. Her ministry also includes being an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist to the homebound and issuing vouchers for the Saint Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. As Sister Mary Lee reflects on her ministry at “The Immaculate”, she recalls: “I have a long history with “The Immaculate”, first as a parishioner and now as a pastoral minister. As I sit in the church pew, I am reminded of how my time here matches my journey of faith. I think of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians: ‘When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became an adult, I put aside childish things.’ The parish represents my ever growing relationship with God and the people of God. I serve here as a servant of God, living out the love God has shown me.” “I have witnessed the baptisms, marriages and funerals of many from “The Immaculate”. My role, as I see it, is to accompany them on their journey of faith, not as a leader but as a fellow traverler.” As an Ursuline Sister and daughter of Saint Angela Merici, all that Sister Mary Lee is and all that she does is for the Glory of God alone.