Two Fish, Five Loaves of Bread and Five Thousand for Dinner Recently, there was a news item of strawberry farmers destroying good plants rather than picking the strawberries for market. It was cheaper to let the berries go to waste than to pick them. There was a public outcry, and rightly so. Weekly, I receive pamphlets of malnourished, starving citizens which demand a response from me. I know there is food in abundance and that our starving sisters and brothers across the globe are victims of political action. And I know that world citizens are starving for more than just food. Our readings today make it clear that we are to give of our very selves in feeding others. We are called to give the gift that keeps on giving-our very self for the life of others. As Jesus is God’s nourishment through his self gift, we too, are to be God’s abundant nourishment for others. Perhaps what is amazing about this Gospel is that God willingly chooses us to make known his blessing. This feast celebrates the superabundance of God’s graciousness to us. We are invited to share that superabundance. The challenge of our Gospel is for us to be Eucharist for one another, to be attentive to the needs of others. The challenge is to make visible that divine generosity.