Ursuline Sisters Mission receives $350,000 gift from Centofanti Foundation The James and Coralie Centofanti Charitable Foundation has awarded a $350,000 grant in memory of David J. Centofanti to Ursuline Sisters Mission. With the donation, the dining hall of the new Ursuline Sisters Assisted Living will be named in David’s honor. He was James and Coralie’s son.Sheila Donnadio, USM development director, second from left, and Sister Patricia McNicholas, USM Donor Relations director, third from left, received a ceremonial check from Centofanti Foundation distribution committee members Mark Graham, Carol Potter and Dr. Joe Mosca. Missing was Joe Centofanti, James’s brother.The donation is part of our Fullness of Life, Future of Hope campaign, which seeks to raise $10 million to care for retired Sisters, safeguard their legacy of ministries, and meet capital project needs. The campaign is part of the Sisters’ celebration of 150 years of service in the Mahoning Valley.If you'd like to celebrate with us and support our campaign, join us for our Celebration Dinner event on September 22, 2024, at Waypoint 4180, and consider our sponsorship opportunities. Tickets, sponsorship opportunities, and ads are available for purchase here.