World Day of Prayer For Vocations This Sunday [April 21} is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In 1963 Pope Paul VI designated Good Shepherd Sunday as World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Christ Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows us well and gives his life for us. In the name of Christ Jesus we rejoice in the Good Shepherd who leads us into fullness of life. As we celebrate this feast we pray for fidelity to our vocation. The Church invites us to honor the vocation of all Christians given at baptism. Through the vocation of marriage, priesthood, diaconate, consecrated life, and the single life may we further the reign of God. May those who are discerning their life vocation listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd to guide them. We offer this prayer to be said on that day. Gracious God, You have called me to life and gifted me in many ways. Through Baptism You have sent me to continue the mission of Jesus by sharing my love with others. Strengthen me to respond to Your call each day. Help me to become all You desire of me. Inspire me to make a difference in others’ lives. Lead me to choose the way of life You have planned for me. Open the hearts of all to listen to Your call. Fill all with Your Holy Spirit that we may have listening hearts and the courage to respond to You. Enkindle in my heart and the hearts of others the desire to make the world a better place by serving as Lay Minister, Sister, Priest, Brother or Deacon. Amen.