Nearby Amenities About Senior LivingOur ApartmentsNearby AmenitiesFAQContact UsUrsuline Sisters Senior Living residents enjoy an unparalleled quality of daily life.Close proximity to major shopping district, parks, restaurants, grocery stores, and doctors.Discover CanfieldCanfield FairBoardman TownshipAustintown TownshipBoardman ParkYoungstown LiveMill Creek MetroParksEastwood MallSouthern Park MallRestaurants in CanfieldRestaurants in BoardmanRestaurants in AustintownAnd much more!Secure storage baysEasy access to events at The Ursuline CenterHealth & wellness classesWRTA door-to-door servicesOptional prayer and Liturgy with the Ursuline SistersSocial, recreational and spiritual programmingWalking the labyrinthPastoral counseling