Ursuline High School Celebrates The Feast of Saint Angela

UHS Dr Linda MillerUrsuline High School, founded by the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown over 100 years ago, celebrates an annual prayer service to honor St. Angela Merici, our founder.
Snow days postponed this year’s service until a few days after her Jan.27 feast day,but the energy and faith it inspired were worth the wait.
Dr. Linda Miller, one of our Associates and an instructor at the high school, delivered a wonderful reflection with beautiful imagery on how we are all connected to St. Angela–to all saints!–and to our Lord Jesus Christ himself.
We videotaped that talk so we could share it with the world.

Also, our own Sister Regina Rogers,vice principal at the school,led the entire service and delivered a final blessing for the assembly, comprising the student body, teachers and guests.

Soli Deo Gloria!