A Question About the Habit Welcome to our “Ask The Nun” series of informal videos. Today’s question focuses on the habit worn by nuns. Sister Norma Raupple shares her answer. Are you happy about he changed guidelines about the dress code; not having to wear the old garments? Yes, the long habits at one time were like the common dress of the day. There was not such thing as central heating so for much of the year women needed to dress as warmly as possible. But our homes are warm now, women are more active and so clothing changed. Our founder, St. Angela Merici , said: “You may find that you need to change with the times.” … So we did, we wear simple but comfortable clothes. Usually we don’t stand out in a crowd the way we would if we were wearing the habit. Many people can still recognize a nun by her simple clothes. Please submit your questions to [email protected]