Living My Faith: An Associate Reflection

lindyRecently, Associate Lindy Kubic, [center of picture] was a panelist for the First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown. Lindy’s presentation was What Faith Means To Me As Professional Adult.

Lindy works at St. Elizabeth Heath Center main campus as a certified Histotechnician.  She prepares the biopsies for the doctors to read in the pathology lab.  Lindy reflected that working for a Catholic hospital is rewarding for her because she enjoys helping others, and Catholicism has always been apart of her life.
Lindy grew up Catholic in the Diocese of Steubenville, and attended parochial schools.  During her high school years, she was encouraged to have community service hours in order to graduate.  This was her first step of learning about small and large communities.
Read and reflect on her presentation to learn the effect of those first years of service! Reflection For First Friday Club_Lindy Kubic