Doing Justice With A Compassionate Heart The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown commissioned six new Associates for the feast of St. Angela Merici in 2013. General superior Sister Nancy Dawson offered this reflection: “I am positive that the words St. Angela has for us this night are these: “I am always in your midst.” This is a night that all of our Ursuline Sisters and all of our men and women Associates really treasure – not only because it fulfills her promise, “I will always be in your midst,” but because on this night we are assured that the charism of Saint Angela Merici and her gifts will continue through each of these Associates – these six new Associates who are formally commissioned tonight. What a promise. If we do justice, we are promised – and this is a famous saying in scripture that the Ursulines really like – if we engage in justice we are promised in scripture that all of us who instruct and do justice will shine as stars for all eternity. Let we Ursuline Sisters and Associates light up the skies, not in eternity but in the present, as we brilliantly shine with other stars of the past illuminating compassionate hearts and a spirited justice and action for the common good. Let that be our prayer at Mass tonight. God bless you on this wonderful occasion, wonderful night, wonderful continuation of Angela’s charism.”
Our Newest Associates The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown will welcome seven new Associates during a ceremony and Mass Thursday, Jan. 26 at our Motherhouse Chapel. The Associates program forges a deeper relationship between the Ursuline Sisters and Catholic adults who share our values and mission. The program also is a way for the Ursuline Sisters to further the mission of St. Angela Merici, the 16th-century Italian saint who founded the Ursuline Order more than 475 years ago. Her feast day is celebrated Jan. 27. These new Associates join 45 others in the program, now in its 11th year. Sister Norma Raupple, standing second from left, is the program’s director
An Annual Celebration of Community Ursuline Sisters, Members of the Company of St. Ursula and Associates throughout the world remember their “Mother” and Founder, St. Angela Merici on January 27th each year. In Youngstown, Ohio, the Spirit was alive and well as the entire Community of Sisters and Associates gathered for Mass and Dinner. After Sister Nancy Dawson’s challenging words to us, seven men and women came forward to enthusiastically announce their decision to be associated with the Ursuline Community. The Sisters proudly responded by expressing their intent to share their lives, their prayer and their ministries with the Associates. Angela was among us as we enjoyed each other with hospitality,encouragement and renewed energy.
Welcome to our Newest Associates The chapel at the Ursuline Motherhouse was full on January 27th, the feast of St. Angela Merici, our Founder. I was thrilled to hear and see our Nuns and Associates warmly greeting each other. This is the day each year that we welcome our new Associates and this year we welcomed four women and two men. This year also marks 475 years since St. Angela met with a group of women in Brescia, Italy and formed the first “Company of St. Ursula”. Fr Mike Garvey, Dan Eicher, Maureen Russo, Joan Subler - front: Peggy Eicher, Jean DiVincenzo Laura Kotheimer and Michelina Biasella, two Associates, were the musicians who opened the liturgy with “We Are Many Parts”. Father Michael Garvey was the presider. Mike also became an Associate this year. Sister Patricia McNicholas proclaimed the Scripture: “… put your gifts at the service on one another… (1Peter 4:8) Sister Nancy Dawson reflected on the Gospel of Mark. In Mark 9 the disciples had been arguing about who was the most important. Jesus puts his arms around a child and continues talking to them about welcoming children. Sister Nancy challenged us to be child-like in our service. As we left the chapel on our way to enjoying a meal together we sang “Companions on the Journey” we grateful and joyful hearts.
Ursuline Associate Brigid Kennedy Receives Honor The Mahoning Valley Professionals 20/30 Club and the Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley have announced the 40 individuals to be honored at the fifth annual 40 under 40 Awards. The 40 Under 40 Awards program honors Valley residents 40 years old or younger who are making a positive impact in their professions and have demonstrated a commitment to community involvement. Among the 40 honorees for 2009 is Ursuline Associate Brigid Kennedy. Brigid is the Associate Director of the Ursuline Sisters HIV/AIDS Ministry. Brigid was selected based on her ministry and community service within our HIV/AIDS Ministry. Five of the 40 honorees will be recognized for special accolades as MVP Award winners during a ceremony 19 Nov 2009 at the Ford Family Recital Hall in the DeYor Performing Arts Center.